Exploring issues in the Brackeys Jam 2020.2 submission build

Below I have tried to highlight and explain some of the known issues in the Brackeys Jam 2020.2 submission build of reSYNC. These issues have been addressed in the build that will be uploaded after the jams voting period is over.

1. Wires with signals that are perfectly synced are not connecting

Wires with signals that appear to be perfectly synced do not connect. However those with signals slightly out of sync do.

These wires should connect as their signals are perfectly synced. However they are not connecting.

These wires are connecting even though their signals are slightly out of sync. This is intended.

Why does this happen?

The game tries to connect a wire to other wires during the frame that its signal touches the diamond. It will connect to any other wire in the level that is flagged and whose signal has taken a similar amount of time to go from the square to the diamond.

If a wire is flagged it means that it has just recently touched the diamond and it is therefore ready to connect to other wires for a short period of time.

Each wire should flag itself just before checking for possible connections to other wires. Currently it is doing so afterwards. Therefore when two signals are perfectly in sync they will both check for connections during the same frame, which is just before they both flag themselves. This results in no connection. However when two wires are slightly out of sync, the wire that reaches the diamond second will connect to the wire that reaches the diamond first as that one has already been flagged for at least one frame.

How can this be fixed?

Wires should be flagged before they check for possible connections to other wires.

2. Wires with signals that are not well synced are connecting

Only wires that touch the square and then the diamond at approximately the same time should be able to connect to each other. Currently wires that aren’t doing this are connecting too.

These wires shouldn't connect because their signals are not synced well.

Why does this happen?

A buffer is used when checking if signals are moving in sync. Currently the game will connect two wires if their signals are moving in sync, + or - 0.6 seconds.  Using the buffer ensures that the player does not have to be very accurate when trying to sync the movement of signals thus making the game more forgiving.

However the buffer is currently too large. This results in wires connecting that shouldn’t be, particularly when a signal is moving at a fast speed or a small distance.

How can this be fixed?

The buffer should be decreased which will mean that the player is required to be slightly more accurate but this will also ensure that only wires that are closely synced can connect.

If you have any suggestions or have encountered any other issues please post them in the comments section below.

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